During the 1960’s, approximately 20 Main Street resident-owners donated their small plots of land as an amenity to the local people (particularly the young people) of Carnew. This area, just off the main street, became known as the Back Alley. However there is still no clear cut title deed for this parcel of land.
In 2014 Carnew Training and Consultancy became involved, agreeing to take it into community ownership as an amenity for the town, its people and future generations. We continue with efforts to try to resolve the title situation, so far without success, but we are determined to continue until we achieve a clear title.
A clear title will enable the full development of the land, and allow grants to be won for community projects such as the playground, which was developed with funding from Wicklow County Council and local fundraising efforts, which continue. The playground proves to be very popular with hundreds of young citizens, as does the soccer pitch which is used by Carnew FC, a thriving soccer club.