E-learning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of training and learning through digital resources. E-learning is delivered using electronic devices like computers, tablets, and even mobile phones, even though it is based on formalised learning. This makes it easy for users to learn anytime, anywhere, with very few restrictions. It is training, learning, or education delivered via the Internet through a computer or any other digital device.
The increasing use of computers and the Internet has aided in the expansion of online education. The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to an increase in demand for online learning solutions, which in turn sped up the process.
Here at CarnewTDC, we offer a variety of different E-learning courses which can be viewed by clicking HERE.
What is the difference between E-learning and online learning?
The main difference between E-learning and online learning is the amount of interaction between the student and the instructor. Students and instructors interact more during online learning, while E-learning is more self-paced, where pre-recorded modules guide students through the material at a time and place convenient to them.
Some advantages of E-learning are:
- It fits flexibly around your schedule.
- You can learn at your own pace.
- It is better value for money.
- It supports individual learning styles and needs.
- It extends learning to more people.
People use E-learning for a variety of reasons such as developing new skills or learning remotely, the convenience and accessibility offered are huge.
Some people feel intimidated by the presence of peers during the learning process. If they do not understand certain sections of a course, they feel awkward asking these questions in public as a result E-learning removes this issue. Learning is a private experience. You can redo individual sections or the full course as often as necessary. Through the use of an online query-response system, you can ask questions of an instructor one-on-one as you’re studying.
For more information on E-learning please see the ispring E-learning blog.